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  • ninsynaet

After being in England for two weeks Rachel took me and her daughters to London for 2 days. It was so impressive and amazing. We went to lots of places and they taught me about shops, parking, and rules of the road.

Rachel was trying to teach me to take a train and read a map. So on the first day, she and her oldest daughter showed us what to do. But on the second day, I had to lead everyone. It seemed really complicated and hard but once I started it wasn't as hard as it looks. I think it's because we get scared easily, tell ourselves that we cant do it but usually when someone gives us the responsibility, we become brave.

We went to the Natural History Museum, Saint Pauls Cathedral, (so amazing!), we rode on a ferry boat down the river Thames, went to see a dance shop.

In the National Gallery I almost made a big mistake. I lifted a box around the fire alarm because it said "lift me". I just followed. I wasn't thinking, I was just looking at the beauty of the art. The alarm made a weird sound when I lifted it so I dropped it and the sound stopped. I would be a legend - the Cambodian who made everyone run out the National gallery and lots of police, fireman will be there because all of the famous photos and portraits in there.

Here are some of the questions that I've been asking Rachel over and over again:

1. In the supermarket you can check out and pay by yourself. What I don't understand is, what if people don't pay and just walk out with their food?

2. When you park the car and get a ticket by yourself why do have to pay when there is no one there?

3. When they say 20 miles per hour but there is space ahead why can't you go faster?

My observations of English people:

1. They walk everywhere

2. They wave to people a lot even when they don't know them

3. They eat bread - a lot!

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  • ninsynaet

After saying goodbye and hugging everyone, I was at the airport. The most exciting and sad part was when I went up the final escalator, and my family's faces started to fade. I had to be strong and pretend I know what I'm doing. It was really scary at first, but I kept reminding myself that It is life. We all, one day have to step out of our comfort zone.

On the plane I met lots of people who were nice and helpful to me. I was blessed that God put those people around me no matter where I'm going. Also I'm thankful that my friends, family and people all around the world prayed for me to arrive in England safely. On the last plane I met an English couple. They were very sweet and helpful. They tried to encourage me and shared the beauty of England. I was really excited but there was still an empty space in my heart. So when everyone was sleeping on the plane, I was crying alone looking at the photos and letters that they gave me. The hard part was that I couldn't cry it all out or hug anyone. So I had to take my sweater to be my tissues. Then I realized that God was with me all the time.

I was given this quote:

To raise a child who is comfortable enough to leave you means you've done your job, they are not ours to keep but to teach how to soar on their own.

This sadness was gone when I saw Rachel and her husband Jon waiting for me with a paper that said, Welcome Sy Naet. I felt really safe and blessed to have them as they understand my country and used to live there.

What an amazing and a sad day to begin a new Chapter!!!

Here are some photos from the last few weeks...

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  • ninsynaet

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

After I got my visa and airplane ticket I had one week to spend time with family and friends before I had to leave. It was too soon. I was not ready too leave at all. But my family and friends told me that I would never feel ready to leave. They were right, I would never have enough time to spend with people I love.

I am so thankful for my friend Tiffany for organizing a farewell party for me. It meant a lot to me. It was fun, but also sad that I would not see them again for a long time. At the party they prayed for me that God would bless and take care of me. They were so encouraging, and a blessings to me. To know that I have families and friends that are waiting for me to come home after the training makes me feel more confident and also it makes it worth fighting for.

I keep wondering and trying to picture what it will look like when I have finished my training. What will it be like to start an amazing journey with people in Cambodia when I come back. I just feel like it's going to be amazing whenever I think about it. Can you imagine one day there will be a ballet studio that is full of Khmer and foreigners?

Some of my goodbyes ...

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