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  • ninsynaet

Saying goodbye to family and friends

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

After I got my visa and airplane ticket I had one week to spend time with family and friends before I had to leave. It was too soon. I was not ready too leave at all. But my family and friends told me that I would never feel ready to leave. They were right, I would never have enough time to spend with people I love.

I am so thankful for my friend Tiffany for organizing a farewell party for me. It meant a lot to me. It was fun, but also sad that I would not see them again for a long time. At the party they prayed for me that God would bless and take care of me. They were so encouraging, and a blessings to me. To know that I have families and friends that are waiting for me to come home after the training makes me feel more confident and also it makes it worth fighting for.

I keep wondering and trying to picture what it will look like when I have finished my training. What will it be like to start an amazing journey with people in Cambodia when I come back. I just feel like it's going to be amazing whenever I think about it. Can you imagine one day there will be a ballet studio that is full of Khmer and foreigners?

Some of my goodbyes ...

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