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  • ninsynaet

Since I started my new journey, I have been learning a lot of new things because I’m not living with my family anymore. When you move to a new place, you have to learn a new culture, language and new traditions. For example, in Cambodia, when you talk to someone older than you, you have to address them using respectful words like bong (to someone older), pu (uncle), Ming/yi (auntie). If you call them just by their name, they will take it as a rude and be offended. In England and America, you have Miss, Mr, Mrs ... but you don’t really use them much unless you’re in a work place.

Living here I have started to get used to the language and the way English people do things. So one day when I texted my sister, I wrote Nij (this is her name) without adding the word bong and she was like, how dare you just called me Nij?? She was just joking with me. We’re close as sisters so it was ok. But had I forgotten that I was texting to my sister back home. I realized I need to be remember who I am talking to and use the correct words or people at home in Cambodia might think "oh she just moved to England and now she’s acting like she doesn’t know her own country". That’s not what I want to show to my people at all. I want to show them that outside of our country there are so amazing things that we have missed or don’t have the opportunities and freedom to do. We don’t have to stick to our culture only because life is more interesting and fun if we combine things from each others culture.

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  • ninsynaet

Updated: Nov 16, 2019

On my first day at Rambert all of the students met together and introduced themselves to each other. It was really different to see the school full of students and teachers. This school is amazing. The teachers are friendly and they understand how hard it is for students because they were once a student too. They just want what’s best for us. Even though my classes are fun and amazing, it is challenging because of the new styles from different teachers.

All the students in my year at Rambert

On my third week I felt very homesick. I was crying and asking God why it was so hard and had doubts whether I should have stayed at home where I felt comfortable and safe. I wasn’t being a healthy Christian. I didn’t read the Bible or lean on to God. That week was not fun at all, it was full of disappointments. I felt insecure and alone. I wanted to have friends straight away but it was taking a long time. Part of my heart kept telling me that something was wrong and I needed to change. I was dancing for teachers and friends so they would like me instead of for God and myself.

When I was in Cambodia, I recorded one of the messages from my church, I listened to this when I felt homesick and it was perfect! It was about loneliness. Some of the points were:

- Jesus is the only one and only friend you can never ever lose.

- Loneliness is designed by God.

- Lonliness helps us understand the love of God. When you are lonely this hole can only be filled by God.

Then this question was like lightning to my heart, “ do you depend too much on a particular friend?” This was the perfect question for me because I was depending completely on making friends.

The message also talked about home and where it is. This is what I liked the most:

Home is a place where you can be yourself. You don’t have to pretend to be someone else. Jesus himself knows what it was like to not have home.

This made me realise that I will always be home where ever I go if I am myself and lean on God alone. And I’ll always have people to support me from back home and also all over the world. After this, I started to read my Bible and trust God and my week was amazing!! Something wonderful happened around me, friends and teachers were just completely different from the week before. I was enjoying and loving dance so much more than I ever had. I didn’t want to have a weekend off at all!!!

Here is a video of me having fun after class at my school.

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  • ninsynaet

Before I started studying at Rambert, I stayed with Rachel and her family for one month. Rachel found some dance classes that we could go to together in Bristol. The dance studio and dancers were amazing. For once, I felt like I was in a right place. There were lots of dancers in the class. No matter how old they were, they looked so confident in what they were doing. I was inspired by seeing people who really love dancing and were just enjoying it. There was one dancer who somehow lost one leg but she was still dancing with everyone else. She didn't let it stop her doing what she loves. That was really encouraging and helped me to think that if she can do it then who am I to say I can’t do it in the future.

This is Rachel and I going to class.

While I was staying with Rachel we visited Rambert. It’s so huge and amazing. I couldn’t say anything because I’ve never seen studios that big before that don’t have a pillar in the middle. When we were walking around the school I met the principal of Rambert, Amanda who chose me the first place. I was so happy to hear that the moment she saw my video audition she was like, yes!! She’s in. She has a talent. I always ask myself is how can they see a talent in me when they see me dance?

Before I started Rambert I moved to live close to the school with my host family. It was really hard for me to leave Rachel and her family who understand my country and culture. I’m really thankful for my host family and Finn, the dog. They are very supportive and also take care of me as one of their daughters. The most amazing part is they have 2 daughters who are the same age as me. It feels good to talk to the daughters because we have something in common. Last but not least, their house is just perfect because I can buy some of the food and snacks that remind me of home from shops close by. I can double hot noodles, chillies and even green mango. Now I understand that Food is important!!!!! Here are my green green mangoes, chilli salt (that I made) and double spicy noodles.

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