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  • ninsynaet

Crossing cultures

Since I started my new journey, I have been learning a lot of new things because I’m not living with my family anymore. When you move to a new place, you have to learn a new culture, language and new traditions. For example, in Cambodia, when you talk to someone older than you, you have to address them using respectful words like bong (to someone older), pu (uncle), Ming/yi (auntie). If you call them just by their name, they will take it as a rude and be offended. In England and America, you have Miss, Mr, Mrs ... but you don’t really use them much unless you’re in a work place.

Living here I have started to get used to the language and the way English people do things. So one day when I texted my sister, I wrote Nij (this is her name) without adding the word bong and she was like, how dare you just called me Nij?? She was just joking with me. We’re close as sisters so it was ok. But had I forgotten that I was texting to my sister back home. I realized I need to be remember who I am talking to and use the correct words or people at home in Cambodia might think "oh she just moved to England and now she’s acting like she doesn’t know her own country". That’s not what I want to show to my people at all. I want to show them that outside of our country there are so amazing things that we have missed or don’t have the opportunities and freedom to do. We don’t have to stick to our culture only because life is more interesting and fun if we combine things from each others culture.

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