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  • ninsynaet

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

My third lockdown in the UK was a bit less stressful because we have done this before. We knew what to expect and put in some thigns that were fun and that we could look forward to.

In January we had an Alice in Wonderland tea party and we all dressed as characters from the story. Here we are...can you guess who we all are?

Back to School

And I can finally go back to school!!! I had to have a covid test on Friday. When Rachel and I arrived at the testing center we were very impressed with the system that they had set up. Anyone that arrived there will definitely feel like they were taking this really seriously. The guy that did the test was very nice. I thought the test was going to be very painful and scary because I watched this video on the internet - but maybe social media is not always correct as I had a good experience.

My test came back negative so Rachel will be driving me back to London this week. Then I have to have 2 other tests before I can go back into the school on March 8th. I am really looking forward to going back and starting dancing in the studio again. It will be amazing to have all that space to move in and I want to stay in the studio as long as they will let me. I want to start playing more with choreographying dance pieces because I am going to have to create a piece soon for school as part of my assessment.

I also am excited because I have lots of other things that I want to do. I want to hang out with friends from school, friends from church and people that I got to know through a dance workshop I did online over the half term break.

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  • ninsynaet

The 24th Janurary 2021 is a day I won't ever forget. I remember being woken up by Rachel and Jon around 8am because I has always told that if they saw snow to wake me up whatever time it was. SO I don't blame them for coming and waking me up, but in that moment I sort of wished they didn't because I was tired that morning. But when I looked out of my window - white!!! Everything was white! My eyes and heart were wide open, I have never seen that much snow. It was so beautiful and it looked just like Narnia.

No one knew or expected snow so we weren't prepared but I am pretty sure if you know Rachel you'll know that there is nothing that can stop her from not doing ice sleding. She went to the back of the house and gradded a big plastic bag and a small piece of carpet to use it as a sled.

Maybe you can watch this video and decide if you think it worked or not.

After we finished sleding we kept walking in the field and I realised that the sheep were no longer white, which was funny. We stopped and built a snowman, a snow dog (which actually looked like a rabit) and a Nightfury dragon. Then we had a snowball fight and made snow angels.

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  • ninsynaet

This year I am spending my second Christmas with the Bowers. I have been here for 2 weeks so far and have been very busy.

I have finished one of the written assignments that I had to do this term and I am working on another essay. This next essay is very hard but I am learning many things already. The essay is about African American modern dancers in the 20th century and how they used dance to make political and social statements. This essay has got my attention because I want to find out about how other dancers have used their art to challenge the way society and people think and behave.

We have also been doing some fun Christmas things. We made Christmas cookies and are watching lots of Christmas movies. Last night we watched It's A Wonderful Life.

On Friday evening we went to a place called Westonbirt Arboretum. It is a place where they have many different kinds of trees. At Christmas they put up lots of different kinds of lights on the trees. Here are some photos we took.

One other fun thing that I have done this week is a dance project with Rachel in a Christmas carol service. The project was dance, spoken word and music. It was about Mary and Elizabeth from the bible Christmas story and how they had to wait just like we have been doing lots of waiting due to Covid. Stormie and Kira did the spoken word and Jon did all the technical stuff. It was fun to do something together. Here are a few photos.

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