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  • ninsynaet

Dressing up, end of lockdown, back to school!

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

My third lockdown in the UK was a bit less stressful because we have done this before. We knew what to expect and put in some thigns that were fun and that we could look forward to.

In January we had an Alice in Wonderland tea party and we all dressed as characters from the story. Here we are...can you guess who we all are?

Back to School

And I can finally go back to school!!! I had to have a covid test on Friday. When Rachel and I arrived at the testing center we were very impressed with the system that they had set up. Anyone that arrived there will definitely feel like they were taking this really seriously. The guy that did the test was very nice. I thought the test was going to be very painful and scary because I watched this video on the internet - but maybe social media is not always correct as I had a good experience.

My test came back negative so Rachel will be driving me back to London this week. Then I have to have 2 other tests before I can go back into the school on March 8th. I am really looking forward to going back and starting dancing in the studio again. It will be amazing to have all that space to move in and I want to stay in the studio as long as they will let me. I want to start playing more with choreographying dance pieces because I am going to have to create a piece soon for school as part of my assessment.

I also am excited because I have lots of other things that I want to do. I want to hang out with friends from school, friends from church and people that I got to know through a dance workshop I did online over the half term break.

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