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  • ninsynaet

I love Snow!!!!

The 24th Janurary 2021 is a day I won't ever forget. I remember being woken up by Rachel and Jon around 8am because I has always told that if they saw snow to wake me up whatever time it was. SO I don't blame them for coming and waking me up, but in that moment I sort of wished they didn't because I was tired that morning. But when I looked out of my window - white!!! Everything was white! My eyes and heart were wide open, I have never seen that much snow. It was so beautiful and it looked just like Narnia.

No one knew or expected snow so we weren't prepared but I am pretty sure if you know Rachel you'll know that there is nothing that can stop her from not doing ice sleding. She went to the back of the house and gradded a big plastic bag and a small piece of carpet to use it as a sled.

Maybe you can watch this video and decide if you think it worked or not.

After we finished sleding we kept walking in the field and I realised that the sheep were no longer white, which was funny. We stopped and built a snowman, a snow dog (which actually looked like a rabit) and a Nightfury dragon. Then we had a snowball fight and made snow angels.

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