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  • ninsynaet

Rambert school closed two days before the all the schools in England closed. I’ve been staying with Rachel in Chippenham for one week already. The reason why we think that it would be best for me to be here with Rachel is because she can help me with my work and there’s a hall in the church where I can keep up my training.

I’m so blessed to be able to stay with Rachel's family during this weird time. Most of my friends in Rambert had to go back to their families and countries. It would be really hard for them to stay in London alone, especially when the government is encouraging people to stay in their house as much as they can. We are allowed to go shopping for essentials only and for exercise once a day. Even though there’s a restriction, I'm thankful that at least we can go out once a day. Here we are out and about and even cutting wood for the fire.

My first week of studying and practising at home was really hard. I didn’t know what to do with myself, or what I could do with the time I have. I have never really thought about what other things that I like to do or am capable of. For example, last weeked, we had online church and while we were listening to worship songs, we drew anything we felt or thought on the paper. I wanted to draw a person worshipping God but my brain told me that it’s impossible. I have never drawn a human figure before so even just the shape of a person for me was really tricky. But it wasn’t that hard at all. Sure it was not great, but I could do it. I was proud of it. I never thought that I could draw. So the point is, I've been trying and of course Rachel and her family are encouraging me to try everything, anything that I want to do but couldn’t before because of school. Now is a good chance to do them and discover new things.

I’ve been practising ballet and contemporary dance by myself everyday for one week until finally Rambert figured out how to record a class and send it to us. It’s really helpful because now I have a proper class and I don't have to make it up myself. It’s not that great to dance alone, not in a proper studio and it is cold to start off with but I have learned that it is part of my training too. When I finish my training I will have to find a way to inspire myself, keep pushing forward and practice in different environments.

For my academic work, Rachel has been been helping me with the two tasks that I have from school. I have to do a reflective essay on an article that school have given me and a research essay. I had a go at reading the article and had no idea what they are talking about because the words are extremely hard and it is a summary of a PhD research paper. After Rachel read the article, she said that she definitely needs to read it with me and explain it in easier words. So far it’s working. We haven’t finished reading it yet but I’m starting to understand what they are talking about.

I know that I'm not dealing with challenges alone. Everyone must be having a difficult time adjusting to changes in life and schedules right now. I hope and pray that God will protect, provide with anything that you and your family need.

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  • ninsynaet

I can't believe that I have finished one term at Rambert and that I've been in England for almost 5 months. On the 1st of December, I got to have a chrismas advent calender. Kate (the mother of my host family) made one for herself, her daughters and for me. I was so touched, happy and thankful. It had small boxes that you open each day. She put chocolate and others presents inside for us to open each day. Kate explained why english people do this. It is a tradition and part of the waiting for Christmas day.

I wanted to try to travel from London to Rachel's house by myself, so I took a bus. Steve (the father of my host family) helped me to carried my suitcase. I was sad, I missed them and my room. Now it's like that house is part of my home too.

Most of my friends went back home to celebrate Christmas together with their families and friends. I wished I could go home too. I was sad and homesick but at the same time I know that I'm so blessed to have the Bowers family to celebrate with.

It was a completely different christmas!! The people, food, tradition, and games were very new to me. We had turky and sprouts. Some people hate sprouts and only eat them once a year on Christmas day. I especially love the christmas crakers. You pull them with someone else and there are jokes and paper crowns inside. It's good fun for families. It doesn't matter how old you are, you join with your grandchildren and wear crowns.

Early Christmas morning I opened presents. I got presents from my family, and friends back from Cambodia. What made me cry in a joyful way was, Khmer snack, personal book that was writen about me and my family and wonderful letters from them.

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  • ninsynaet

Before we finished this last term, my class had an assessment. We had to do a ballet class in front of all the teachers and we performed Swan Lake Act 2 variation to all the other students and teachers in the school. It was so scary to have all the teachers at Rambert and the principal watching us. I have never had a ballet assessment before, while lots of my friends were familiar with it. At first I thought that they were going to judge us and it was going to be like an exam. But I was wrong. They did the assessment because they wanted to see whether we have improved since we first started.

This is what my teacher told us:

“They are not going to kick you out of the school. You are already in school. They are just going to give you feedback and they are there to help you.”

On the assessment day, I was ready to go to class. It felt good because it made me want to show my teachers what I’ve been working on. After it was finished, several teachers told me that they have seen me changing and improve a lot. I was happy and encouraged to hear that, even though I felt the same. It’s was good to hear it from them.

This assesment actually brought me and my friends together. My friends were so supportive because they knew that this was my first time. For Swan Lake we had to wear make up and I didn’t know what to do. My friends helped me and gave me suggestions.

Here is a short video of some of our performance that one of my friends took.

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