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  • ninsynaet

Swan Lake

Before we finished this last term, my class had an assessment. We had to do a ballet class in front of all the teachers and we performed Swan Lake Act 2 variation to all the other students and teachers in the school. It was so scary to have all the teachers at Rambert and the principal watching us. I have never had a ballet assessment before, while lots of my friends were familiar with it. At first I thought that they were going to judge us and it was going to be like an exam. But I was wrong. They did the assessment because they wanted to see whether we have improved since we first started.

This is what my teacher told us:

“They are not going to kick you out of the school. You are already in school. They are just going to give you feedback and they are there to help you.”

On the assessment day, I was ready to go to class. It felt good because it made me want to show my teachers what I’ve been working on. After it was finished, several teachers told me that they have seen me changing and improve a lot. I was happy and encouraged to hear that, even though I felt the same. It’s was good to hear it from them.

This assesment actually brought me and my friends together. My friends were so supportive because they knew that this was my first time. For Swan Lake we had to wear make up and I didn’t know what to do. My friends helped me and gave me suggestions.

Here is a short video of some of our performance that one of my friends took.

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