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  • ninsynaet

Christmas in England

I can't believe that I have finished one term at Rambert and that I've been in England for almost 5 months. On the 1st of December, I got to have a chrismas advent calender. Kate (the mother of my host family) made one for herself, her daughters and for me. I was so touched, happy and thankful. It had small boxes that you open each day. She put chocolate and others presents inside for us to open each day. Kate explained why english people do this. It is a tradition and part of the waiting for Christmas day.

I wanted to try to travel from London to Rachel's house by myself, so I took a bus. Steve (the father of my host family) helped me to carried my suitcase. I was sad, I missed them and my room. Now it's like that house is part of my home too.

Most of my friends went back home to celebrate Christmas together with their families and friends. I wished I could go home too. I was sad and homesick but at the same time I know that I'm so blessed to have the Bowers family to celebrate with.

It was a completely different christmas!! The people, food, tradition, and games were very new to me. We had turky and sprouts. Some people hate sprouts and only eat them once a year on Christmas day. I especially love the christmas crakers. You pull them with someone else and there are jokes and paper crowns inside. It's good fun for families. It doesn't matter how old you are, you join with your grandchildren and wear crowns.

Early Christmas morning I opened presents. I got presents from my family, and friends back from Cambodia. What made me cry in a joyful way was, Khmer snack, personal book that was writen about me and my family and wonderful letters from them.

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