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  • ninsynaet

What a miracle...

I want to share some of the miracles that have been happening on my journey. Three months ago I still needed a place to live, a visa for the UK, enough money to pay my school fees and a flight to London. But we kept going forward even though we weren't sure how it was all going to work.

A place to live

London is an expensive place to live. A friend from my dance school comes from the UK and she asked in her church if anyone could help. One family offered me a place to stay! They have 2 daughters and a dog called Fin.

School fees

On July 15th I received the amazing news that someone from Japan ( we don't know who) deposited money in the bank account for the organisation where I live. It said, "for Sy Naet" and it was 3,000,000 yen ( $27,000). This money will cover all my school fees for 1 year. I can't believe that God provided this much money.

Getting a visa!

For the visa, I had to fill in a form online. This took a long time because there was something wrong with the system. We tried to upload the information more than 10 times. Finally we decided to go to the visa application office and let them do it for us. We could choose to pay more money to get it done faster - more than double the standard cost. At first we wanted to get it done as soon as possible because time was running out but we chose to pay the standard price because we believed that if it was God's plan he would make it work.

As part of of the visa application I was supposed to do an interview, so I needed to practice. I'm so thankful for the two ladies that gave time and energy to help me prepare. It was scary at first but as I practiced, I got better at answering the questions.

After a week of waiting to hear about my application they texted us and said my visa was ready. I did not have to do an interview and it only took 1 week - it was supposed to take 3 weeks! I could not believe it. I did not know what to feel. I thought I had 3 weeks but now I could go any day.

An airplane ride

Finally it was time to book a flight and amazingly someone from America, who knew about me, bought me a ticket! Now I had to work out what to pack and say goodbye...

There are some photos of the house where I am going to live - and Fin the dog!

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