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‘Wednesday at the Zoo on Thursday’

"Wednesday at the zoo on Thursday"

Rachel Bowers

Thursday 27th October 2022 I went to the zoo to celebrate my 22nd birthday!! Rachel, Jon, Stormie and Kira had all suggested that I should choose what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go for my birthday. At first, I had no clue as I have never done this before. However, they were all so supportive and gave me some ideas such as going to a museum, an art gallery, the cinema…and of course the Zoo! It had to be Zoo! The Bowers like dressing up so they also asked if I wanted to dress up for the trip. So I chose The Addams Family as a theme, nothing is more classic than the Addams Family at the Zoo. I dressed up as the character Wednesday and we watched the first movie the night before to get in the character! Here we all are.

Go ahead, have a go at guessing who is who!

I loved the zoo and I saw so many animals that I have never seen before. As soon as we walked out of the parking lot, we saw two huge rhinoceros! It looks as if they were just roaming free everywhere! It was just so cool! We saw so many incredible animals but I’m just going to show you the ones that were my favourite from the day.

And some other moments from the day!

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