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  • ninsynaet

Trip to the ocean with my host family

In February I went to a place called Poole, to see the beach with my host family and met some of their family members. The place that we went to was Steve’s ( my host family) hometown. It was really great and I was blessed to go there and relax for a weekend, which not many of my friends get to do.

On the way there Kate ( my host family) taught me the names of English flowers and showed me the ponies farm. The views in the countryside, the old castle and the way English houses used to look is so beautiful. There was one point where we had to get on a ferry to cross the ocean. Just before we got on the ferry, they suggested that I should get out of the car and see the ocean. The moment I got out of the car I could feel the wind , the smell and the sound of the oceany. It just felt amazing. I can’t really describe it. I wish I could. God is so amazing!! His creation is definitely healing for all the challenges and stresses of life.

A picture of Poole beach

After we got there, we decided to walk Fin the dog and as usual, wherever I go to the beach I collect shells and rocks that look beautiful. I was so happy and enjoyed collecting them especially when my host family were encouraging and helped me looking for them.

What a great weekend we had.

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