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  • ninsynaet

Things start to make sense

This year, I feel like many things have started to make sense to me at school and at home. I am more independent and have been learning how to cook all my own food and do my shopping. I find it really fun to cook for myself. Here are some of my favorite meals that I have made.

At school I feel like I have now caught up with most of the other students. Classes have been harder than last year but now I am able to focus more clearly because I am not as distracted as last year with all of the other things I had to learn like travelling on the trains and buses, cultural differences and language. I am also less homesick and am more used to the weather. This year I am able to focus my attention on technique, musicality and performance. After one year at my school, I am starting to understand each teacher’s style, I am more flexible and stronger, which makes me feel more confident and my body is starting to understand things better. My perspective has changed and I feel like I have become more fearless and not so worried about what others think or who’s judging me. One of the teachers advised me that as soon as you lose that fear and you use that positivity, dancing changes. I’m no longer so afraid of the classroom, the people, the material, and school.

Building friendship this year has been working. I feel like all the people in my dance group seem calmer this year and we understand each other more. Having good friendships in my class makes me feel so encouraged and it is much more fun. Here are some photos of me with my friends at school. We have to work in a small group that stays the same due to Covid restrictions.

This term I have been able to use my bike from Rachel to explore the areas near my house. I have also started to visit the museums in London so that I can learn about art and study about history. I also found a church near my house through the family that I lived with last year. The people there are so friendly and nice. Over half term I had to self isolate as someone in my house had Covid. It was my 20th birthday and I was sad to be alone. But my house group from the church got together and baked some cookies and gave me presents. The church also let me use their place to choreograph a dance for the student choreographic platform this term. Here is a link to the piece that I created if you would like to watch.

I created this piece because I wanted to share something that is hopeful and joyful because of what is happening in the world right now.

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