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  • ninsynaet

Things I am doing in lockdown

I am now doing school online everyday with Rambert and I have finished my first essay and will submit it this week - yeah!!! I have one more to do. But I am also getting to do some fun things with Rachel's family.

While I am with Rachel's family, we normally go out walking in a wood and up on the hills near their house once a day. There are sheep, cows and horses in the field and i always try to go close to them. Sometimes I talk to them or feed the horses so that I can stroke their body. They are so big! I still can't believe that I can get to see them in person.

One day we went up the hill to play and sing songs together. It was really fun and great to do outside in a big field. I've always wanted to sit on the grass, lay down and look up into the sky like in movies that I watched in Cambodia. When I Iook up to the sky, I am just impressed with how amazing and enormous the earth is.

One day as we were heading back home from a walk, I felt like i needed to go back and pray to God. As I was walking back to the field, the sheep were scared of me and started to walk away. When I saw them walking away, I sat down slowly and took a moment to pray. After I finished praying I started to sing worship songs to God. I started singing a song called Salvation Belongs To Our God. As I was singing three sheep started to walk back towards me and they went quiet. I have never felt that close to them before. They were standing still looking at me and it felt really good, I felt as if they were joining me.

Rachel and her daughters are teaching me to cook and bake. I love cooking and learning how to make food. So far I have made english panckaes and I even baked my own cake. It was carrot cake and I got the recipe from my host family, Kate. It was not as good as her cake but it was ok to eat.

The 10th of April was Good Friday and some of people here in England make Easter gardens every year. We made one and it was a really fun, creative activity. I got to collect flowers and place them where ever i wanted in the garden. Here is a photo of the garden.

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