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  • ninsynaet

Teacher to yourself

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

June 2019 was one of my most sad months, all three of my main teachers have had to leave Cambodia to visit family and friends in the UK and USA. After getting used to to dance nearly everyday with teachers in the studio and coming together to pray and fast, suddenly I was by myself. It was really hard.

In the first week, I didn't go to the ballet school at all. For me, the word " dance class" means a teacher teaches and corrects students and waiting for the teacher to tell me what to do. When I stepped into the studio after a week after they left, I felt scared, it was so strange being left behind. But now I realize that this is part of God's plan to let me trust him and see how he works.

You are the one who has to go forward. Someday you'll have to take an action.

It was hard for me at first because I didn't understand why it had to be this way.

When I look at this picture of a dog who had to guide himself, I felt more relieved. If a dog can do it then why can't I do it? Especially I don't have to walk trough it alone. There are always people around me and God, who never leaves me.

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