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  • ninsynaet

Staying for another two years

After I finished Rambert in July Rachel picked me up with all my possessions and I settled into living with the Bowers family. Then at the end of August, I applied for a graduate visa to stay here for the next years. I really want to be able to get some work experience and take time to transition into becoming more independent before I go back home. I think this is going to be really important for me in the future. This type of visa is new and means I can now stay here until the end of August 2024.

Here are some of the highlights from the last 6 months.

  • Springs Dance Company Summer Intensive. Springs is a Christian dance company and it was great to be able to dance with others at the same time as praising God in a big church.

  • Dance Camp in Cornwall (camping!). I went to a dance camp with my friend Sapphire (from Rambert), in Cornwall. It was inspiring to get ideas for movement from things outside like the shapes of leaves and ways that animals move in the wild.

  • Greenbelt. I volunteered at a Christian arts festival at the end of August, which meant I got to watch some amazing performances. I loved seeing all the different kinds of art and the way they were being used and developed.

  • Auditions. I have been applying for dance jobs since the beginning of September. My favourite auditions so far have been in Leeds. In the second one, even though I did not get the job, I got into the last selection of 20 dancers out of 600! It is hard finding work but I am learning a lot in the process and making important connections with other dancers and choreographers. I have had 2 small paid jobs so far.

  • The Harbour Project. I danced to retell a Chinese folktale, The Magic Paintbrush, as part of a creative project for refugee families. This was a great opportunity for me to practice my acting skills. This may be important in the future if I want to create work that tells a story.

  • Texture Dance Company. Every Friday I have been going with Rachel to work with a Christian dance company in Bath. We have been working on learning how to create workshops for the church that focus on studying the bible through movement. This is really new for me as we have been choreographing by starting with text rather than music or movement.

Alongside all of this, I have been learning to live life beyond being a student. I am starting to figure out how to do things like manage my time, keep myself fit and set goals. I am also working on understanding how to teach and develop classes for different situations.

Here are some photos from the last few months:

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05 janv. 2023

So excited for this new opportunity for you!

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