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Starting my second year!

I want to invite you all to celebrate with me the fact that God provided enough money for me to finish my first year at Rambert. This is amazing because I started this journey with nothing. God has provided for me through many people and I am so thankful. I am trusting that He will provide for all that I need this year and I will keep on doing my best with this opportunity.

My second year at Rambert is going to start earlier than normal. Because of the lock down and the school closing, they are offering 2 weeks of catch up classes for 2nd and 3rd years. This starts on 17th August.

Being back at school is going to be be a bit different this year. We all have to wear masks for all classses, they will check our temperatures every day and there will be social distancing. This means smaller classes. We will have to keep seperate for everything as much as we can. Our classes are also going to be a mix of online and face to face. For example, all academic lectures will be online. This is going to be strange to dance with a mask on and teachers will not be able to correct anything using touch. They need to keep a distance. It is going to be hard but it is better than doing all classes online by myself.

This is one of the masks I will wear in class - made by Stormie!

I am really grateful to the family that I have lived with in my first year. They have helped me learn how to deal with many things as an adult and an international student as well as helping me learn how to use a map and get around safely. For example, when I went to a dance performance they taught me to plan how to get there and back safely before I left the house. At first I didn't understand why this was such a big deal. But now I realise there are so many things that could have gone wrong, such as the train not running late at night or changes in schedule. This is going to help me a lot this year as I will have a lot more independence and I will need to sort things out by myself.

This year I will be living in a new place much closer to school. It will be 15 minutes walk and I am going to have a bike that has been given to me by Rachel. I am looking forward to using the bike in London because I can get around more easily and be more independent.

Me with my bike.

I will be living with a host family that were introduced to me by Rambert. This year I need to do all my own shopping, cooking and laundry. This is a lot but I think it is time for me to take another step towards being an adult and taking care of myself.

My new room in London

From what I been told by the 2nd and 3rd year students and teachers at Rambert, the 2nd year is the hardest year. This year we will have more dance classes and we will be expected to create our own dance choreography for performance. We will also continue with academic classes and they are going to go deeper by looking at the history of contemporary dance and ballet. I am nervous about the academic work because it is going to require a lot of English vocabulary but I am interested to learn about how these styles of dance were formed.

My goals for this coming year are making friends and connections, visiting more places in London such as art galleries, watching more dance performances and learning as much as I can from school - phsyical and academic. Now I have been here for a whole year, I know what to expect, I know where I want to go and what I want to do. These are things that I won't be able to do in Cambodia. So I am going to try my best to achieve all of these goals in my second year as if it is my last year in England. I want to make the most of this opportunity.

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