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  • ninsynaet

Reflecting on the last 2 years

I made it to the third year! And its already begun...

I am at Rachels house for Christmas, which has given me some time to reflect on all the things that I have been learning. Here are some of them:

  • I am starting to understand how much I can learn from books.

  • I am slowly obsorbing the idea that a reseach project could take me anywhere and that I shouldn't be too fixed or afraid of changing direction and expanding my thoughts.

  • I am starting to understand that making friendships is a two way thing and I need to reach out and not just wait for people to come to me.

  • I am starting to beome responsible for my own faith and not wait for other people to guide me. This means having a first hand conversation and relationship with God.

  • I am starting to realise that I am an adult now, this means that I have more responsibility but I also have more freedom to choose my direction.

Here are a few photos of me over Christmas with Rachels family:

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