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  • ninsynaet

One door opening leads to another

In November I was asked by my friend Angeline in Cambodia about dancing for an online event. It was a Joint ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Societies virtual event for all the Ambassadors from ASEAN and members and guests of the members of the different Societies.

This was a big challenge because I had many things going on in the same month and this had to be a good quality video. They also wanted me to introduce myself and tell them what I was doing. I asked Rambert if they could help me by letting me use the studio space to choreograph and film. They have been so supportive. They gave me space to use, the school technology guy helped me by doing the filming, another student from the 3rd year helped me with the editing, I was allowed to use costume from the school and they were very encouraging.

In the video I danced 2 pieces. For the first piece I filmed the solo that I had to dance for my ballet assessment this term. The second piece I choreographed especially for this event. It is a modern dance with Khmer traditional music. Below is the video that I made. The introduction includes photos and some story of how I started dancing and finally came to Rambert in the UK.

This project has helped my relationship with the school become stronger and closer. They have become more interested in how I am getting on and started asking about my financial support. At the end of term they awarded me another £1500 from the school hardship fund to help cover my second year and they are also helping to look for other funds for next year. They are interested in what I'm hoping to do in Cambodia and they are willing to help as much as they can as a school.

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