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  • ninsynaet

My time as third year at Rambert/finale year

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Wow, it has been a while since I last wrote a blog post. A lot of things have happened but the biggest thing is that I finished my dance training at Rambert and have graduated with a BA degree from Rambert school and the University of Kent! We had a small graduation ceremony at the school in July and then we had the main ceremony at Rochester Cathedral in November. Below is a video I put together from the main ceremony. It was a lot of fun and Stephen and Rachel came to watch!

Some of the highlights of my last year at Rambert that I want to remember are:

  • Working with two very experienced choreographers - Darren Ellis and Alleyne Sisters, both helped me to understand what it will be like working as a professional dancer.

  • Having the opportunity to perform at big venues: The Royal Opera House and Sadler's Wells.

  • Finishing my dissertation and learning a lot more about dance in Cambodia.

  • Going on tour with my class and performing at 4 different venues.

  • Melissa coming over from Cambodia to celebrate completing this part of my journey. Melissa, Stephen, Rachel and I spent some time reflecting together.

Here are some photos of me with students from my year group before and after performances.

Here are some photos from my official graduation day at Rochester Catherdral in November.

And here is a compilation video I made of the graduation day!

And here are some photos with Melissa Stephen and Rachel as we celebrated finishing 3 years at Rambert!

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