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  • ninsynaet

My Birthday In Scotland

In October, Rambert school gave the students two weeks holiday. I went to stayed at Rachel’s house for one week and then we went to visit Rachel’s sister in Scotland for a week. I was excited because I have heard a lot about how beautiful and amazing scotland it is. And now I got to see it and stay there for myself. And Scotland is amazing!!! It’s so beautful, especially the forest, houses, mountains and weather.

The weather was really good, we had sunny days while we were staying there. But it was cold. I could see the steam coming out of my mouth. I could see the lake and water frozen. The exciting party was to hear Scottish people speak. I didn’t understand what they were saying but i found it so interesting how people speak english but it almost like listening to a different languge. I didn’t mean to be rude but i found it funny when i listened to them talking to each other. It was amazing to witness their culture. The moment we entered scotland, I could see its beauty!! It was full of trees, greens, and small hillls.

The best part about staying in scotland was, I had my 19th birthday! I had a traditional cooked breakfast that included haggis - this is a Scottish food. It was so delecous!!!! I got presents from my host family, Rachel’s family and my Gateway family and friends back in Cambodia!!! It was a big suprice because i didn’t expect to recieved any gifts from home. This meant a lot to me because it was all the way from Cambodia.

.On my birthday I wante to try to go into the river and swim, that was my plan. But guess what, the moment I put my feet into the water, they started to freeze and i could’t feel them at all. It was so weird because whenever I see water in Cambodia, it always makes me want to swim. Rachel and Jon warned me that it was going to be very cold but becaus I wanted to show off. But now i wish i hadn’t gone in the river (hehe). Here is a video of me going in the water!

I will always remember my 19 birthday. It means so special that I got to celebrate my birthday in Scotland. It was really fun and i really needed it. It made my heart so calm and peaceful to see the beauty of the nature, people in Scotland and to try new foods.

After we came back from Scotland, I had to go back to london because it was time to start school again. I was so happy and blessed to have had that oportuniyty. I had a very fresh start and was ready to start another half term.

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