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Highlights From Year Two

I am now back at Rachel's house and we are celebrating the fact that I have passed my second year at Rambert. I cannot believe that I have now been in the UK for 2 years. Time has gone so fast and it I know that I have changed and learned so many things in that time, more than I ever thought possible.

I want to share with you some of the exciting things that have happened and things that I have learned this year.

Solo Performance

To finish my second year we had to perform a ballet and contemporary solo to the rest of the school. This was part of our assessment. In the contemporary solo we had to learn a piece of choreography from our teacher and we were then allowed to add our own movements in some places. The ballet solo was a variation from the ballet La Bayadere.

This was my first time performing solo at Rambert, I was very nervous but it helped me to overcome my fears. The challenge was for me to work on how I was thinking. I needed to trust my body, that it knew the steps and let myself relax and perform to the audience.

Here is a video of my contemporary solo.

Working with a visiting choreographer and performing

In May a choreographer from the US came to Rambert to work with my group to create a new piece of choreography that we performed in the Linbury theatre at the Royal Opera House in London. This was an intense project. We worked with him for 2 weeks from 9 - 5 each day. The piece was called The Madness of Love.

This experience helped me to understand more about creating work with a group of students. It was interesting to watch how the choreographer cast the piece and observe ways he got us to work together. This helped me to see how much work and dedication it takes to create a great piece of work and move through the process of creation and rehearsal to performance.

Helping backstage at the student platform

In June I volunteered to help run the backstage for a Rambert event. The event was a student platform where students showcase work that they have chreographed themselves. This was useful because I know in the future I will need to understand how things work behind the scenes as well as on the stage. This was the first time I was able to watch other students perform this year, in person. It was exciting and inspiring!

Working at Rambert summer school

In June I applied to work for one week at the Rambert Summer School as an assistant. I wanted to gain the experience and it was a paid job so I knew that this would help with my finances for next year. I was given the job and worked 9 - 5 everyday from Monday to Saturday on the last week of July.

This was a great experience that I know will help me in the future. I got to see how the teachers run the classes, engage with the students and put together a week long prgram. On one morning one of the teachers was running late so I even had to step in and start the class.

Here are some photos from all of these events - the performance, the summer school and after my solo!

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