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  • ninsynaet

Guess who Came

Mum came! My last week at Rambert School was very emotional but wonderful because Mum (Christina) was here. She came to stay for one week. A huge thank you to dad (Taka) for taking more responsibility at home so that mum could come all the way to the other side of the world. She came during my last week of school and was able to watch me dance! This meant she could see how far I have come and that means so much to me.

It did not feel real that she was able to come in person. It has been 3 years since we have been together in person. 3 years of not seeing or touching someone is really hard. Mum not only came in person, but she also brought precious gifts from dad, my sister Nij, my brothers, and some of the girls from Gateway, who are not just my good friends but are like sisters to me. We did so many things together. We cooked, slept, walked (one day we walked 3800 steps), and talked! We got blisters and were so tired but wanted to see as many places in London as we could as the time that we had together was so short. Here are some photos and a video I made to help me remember those days together.

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