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  • ninsynaet

Going to see Khmer Children

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

A few weeks ago I was invited to visit a group of children came to visit me at our performance in May. They are also learning ballet.

It was a great opportunity for me to go visit my own people, (children) practice ballet and be able to join them in their little studio. They were so lovely and friendly. When they saw me, they remembered that I was the one who wore a Tutu in the performance that they came to see.

Whilst I was with them I shared my testimony of how dance and God has changed my life and made me who I am today. They were very curious asked me lots of questions. A few of them told me that their families and friends keep saying that they are crazy and make fun of them. I told them I was there too when I first started. Even now some of them are still saying it. I encouraged them to keep doing it because hopefully one day, their families and friends can appreciate ballet dance.

The most amazing part is, they are a christian too. I'm so glad to see that my people are coming back to him and believe that he is the son of God. I hope they will keep on believing in God as they grow.

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