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God's Amazing Provision

Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post and I have so many things to share with you all! The last term in my second year was full of tears and I was overwhelmed by God's grace and love. I want to will share some of my emotional journey and struggles over the last 5-6 months.

In May, I had an emotional break down. I had so much fear that I would not get to do my third year at Rambert. Earlier that day, I had been having so much fun, I felt confident and strong and I was enjoying dancing to the point that if I had to stop then I felt like I would not be able to live anymore. After I finished my classes at school, I remember calling Rachel and before she even asked me how my week had been, I burst out in tears and told her that I wanted to do my third year so badly. I was desperate and Rachel was not in a position to say yes or no. She listened to me and encouraged me by saying that it will happen if God wants it to. Rachel and I talked about what could be done from our end. Then we prayed and knew that we woud have to trust that God would provide if it is His will.

Since then God has provided in so many ways - I want to share them with you.

A few weeks after this, I received an email from school telling me that they were awarding me a scholarship towards my fees. Then about a month later they contacted me to tell me that I was also recieving another scholarship that they had applied for on my behalf.

Then in July, Rachel and I made a video and we set up a Go Fund Me campaign to raise the final amount of money that I need to cover my school fees and living costs. I shared this with all my friends and family here and at home. The morning after we shared the Go Fund Me page Rachel told me to go and look at it. I was speechless and could not believe what I was seeing. I recognised all of the names on the donation list because they were all my friends from school. They also shared my page on media platforms and wrote messages to encourage me. This has been such a blessing to me because they are also students and do not have much themselves.

Since then so many other people have given money to help me and we have now raised over half of the amount that we asked for in the Go Fund Me Campaign. It has been very moving to see how my story has reached so many different places and people. There have been people who have given who I have not seen for a long time and even people who I have never met.

I am praising God for always being there to protect and provide for me in his perfect timing. I am so blesed. Rambert has been nothing but loving, caring, and always passionate to help me as much as they can. My friends and their friends have also given and blessed me so much.

Sometimes I wonder what I have done done to deserve so much help and support.

I know we do not have all of the support I need yet but I am excitied and believe that I am going to do my third year! Thank you everyone reading this for being a part of my journey!

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