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  • ninsynaet

Dream with God

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

Amazing things have been happening for the last two months. I was doubting whether going to the UK to study dance is really God's plan. I felt like maybe I have made a big mistake because nothing was happening and my teachers weren't there.

But one night I had a dream. In the dream I was stressed and questioning God about my life. My life has been full of sufferings, rejection and pressures from other people around me. Then in my dream I was walking on a small bridge. I looked down at the water and I saw and heard Gods voice through the water. I could feel the power of his voice but it was also with a calmness like when a father hugs a daughter. He said, "Do you trust me? If you do, don't you believe that I can make this happen?" I didn't have to tell him anything he knew what I was struggling with already.

After this dream, I opened my eyes and was completely awake because it was so powerful and I could't take it anymore. My heart was at ease and very peaceful. I was excited and the first thing I did after waking was run and tell everyone in my family.

Since then I have stopped questioning God and have been trusting in him more. When I am alone and having doubts I can feel God saying to me "Do You Trust Me?" and I remember my dream.

A bridge like the one that I was standing on.

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