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Applying to Rambert and getting offered a place

After I quit high school, I have been in the dance studio nearly everyday, either training or assisting. Early this year, I began working on an audition video to apply to dance schools abroad. However, as the video came together and while my teachers and I were covering this process in prayer, we felt the Holly Spirit leading us to send my audition video to only one school, Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London.

Uploading and submitting my audition video and application.

The week before sending my application to Rambert was very hard for me. I had negative thoughts about myself.

"You are hopeless, you are nothing special, you are Cambodian so no one will notice you. None of your family, relatives and country give value to dance or give you any encouragement. Just stay where you are, don’t cross the border. No one in Cambodia has taken that path."

But even when I had those feelings about myself, whenever I went to ballet school to dance, I had to switch them off and pretend to be a happy beautiful dancer. I had a responsibility to be a model and show an example to the younger ones. But all of these worries and negative thoughts ran away the night I received an email from the school I applied to. This is what the email said:

Foundation Degree Ballet and Contemporary Dance (validated by University of Kent) Two year full-time course.

Thank you for submitting your digital audition for the above course at Rambert School, I am delighted to be able to formally offer you a place on the above course starting in September 2019.

It must have been a miracle. I don't usually check email at night but this time I felt like something was telling me to go to check it.

Since then I have started to look at dance in a different way. When I dance I have joy, peace and a feeling I never had before I received this email. It's not like I just now found joy or peace in dance - it's just that this time I feel more confident of where I’m going and what I’m doing.

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