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  • ninsynaet

A Special Evening

On Saturday, my ballet school had 2 performances. All the students performed ballet solos in the morning. I danced a piece called Pharaoh’s Daughter. In the evening there was a special contemporary dance performance. I danced in three pieces.

In the morning some Khmer children came and watched us dance. After the solos finished, I went to talk to them and encouraged them to continue dancing. I was told that they just started to dance with one of the missionaries here in Cambodia. At first, they were shy because they thought I was a foreigner until I said hello in Khmer, they were surprised and said to each other “ohhh, She’s Khmer!!!”. Then they started to talk to me and feel safe to look at me. I understand why they thought I was a foreigner because I wore a beautiful tutu which they have never seen and also, it’s not possible to believe that there are Khmer ballerinas. They said they only see the foreigners on YouTube. They couldn’t believe that it was real. I told them that they can touch and feel it. When they touched it, I felt so happy to see that they enjoy touching it. And there was one boy that asked me, “I am the only boy that is interested in dancing. Is it common to have a male dancer? ” And I told him that it's ok to be the only boy dancing because outside of our country, there are lots of male dancers.

After the solos, we went to eat lunch and had a little bit of a rest before the evening performance. I was so tired from the solo performance. Now I understand what a dancers life looks like. Even though were tired or sick, we danced no matter what. We have to make it look beautiful and easy when sometimes it is painful and hard.

I loved these performances so much. I felt so different then before. It was my first time to dance Amazing Grace with my teacher. The dance was about him coming to Cambodia and me joining him. He has given me everything I know and now he’s watching me leave to train more in London. It was really sad. I am sad already.

Another special thing I did on Saturday was stand on the stage and share my dream and life with others. I felt so joyful to see that there are lots of people who are trying to help me and walk with me.

Me and my teacher Stephen.

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